Task-Oriented Hybrid Beamforming for OFDM-DFRC Systems with Flexibly Controlled Space-Frequency Spectra
This paper investigates the issues of the hybrid beamforming design for the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing dual-function radar-communication (DFRC) system in multiple task scenarios involving the radar scanning and detection task and the target tracking task. To meet different task requirements of the DFRC system, we introduce two novel radar beampattern metrics, the average integrated sidelobe to minimum mainlobe ratio (AISMMR) and average peak sidelobe to integrated mainlobe ratio (APSIMR), to characterize the space-frequency spectra in different scenarios. Then, two HBF design problems are formulated for two task scenarios by minimizing the AISMMR and APSIMR respectively subject to the constraints of communication quality-of-service (QoS), power budget, and hardware. Due to the non-linearity and close coupling between the analog and digital beamformers in both the objective functions and QoS constraint, the resultant formulated problems are challenging to solve. Towards that end, a unified optimization algorithm based on a consensus alternating direction method of multipliers (CADMM) is proposed to solve these two problems. Moreover, under the unified CADMM framework, the closed-form solutions of primal variables in the original two problems are obtained with low complexity. Numerical simulations are provided to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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