TC-VAE: Uncovering Out-of-Distribution Data Generative Factors
Uncovering data generative factors is the ultimate goal of disentanglement learning. Although many works proposed disentangling generative models able to uncover the underlying generative factors of a dataset, so far no one was able to uncover OOD generative factors (i.e., factors of variations that are not explicitly shown on the dataset). Moreover, the datasets used to validate these models are synthetically generated using a balanced mixture of some predefined generative factors, implicitly assuming that generative factors are uniformly distributed across the datasets. However, real datasets do not present this property. In this work we analyse the effect of using datasets with unbalanced generative factors, providing qualitative and quantitative results for widely used generative models. Moreover, we propose TC-VAE, a generative model optimized using a lower bound of the joint total correlation between the learned latent representations and the input data. We show that the proposed model is able to uncover OOD generative factors on different datasets and outperforms on average the related baselines in terms of downstream disentanglement metrics.
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