Text-aware Speech Separation for Multi-talker Keyword Spotting

18 Jun 2024  ·  Haoyu Li, Baochen Yang, Yu Xi, Linfeng Yu, Tian Tan, Hao Li, Kai Yu ·

For noisy environments, ensuring the robustness of keyword spotting (KWS) systems is essential. While much research has focused on noisy KWS, less attention has been paid to multi-talker mixed speech scenarios. Unlike the usual cocktail party problem where multi-talker speech is separated using speaker clues, the key challenge here is to extract the target speech for KWS based on text clues. To address it, this paper proposes a novel Text-aware Permutation Determinization Training method for multi-talker KWS with a clue-based Speech Separation front-end (TPDT-SS). Our research highlights the critical role of SS front-ends and shows that incorporating keyword-specific clues into these models can greatly enhance the effectiveness. TPDT-SS shows remarkable success in addressing permutation problems in mixed keyword speech, thereby greatly boosting the performance of the backend. Additionally, fine-tuning our system on unseen mixed speech results in further performance improvement.

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