TEXTOIR: An Integrated and Visualized Platform for Text Open Intent Recognition
TEXTOIR is the first integrated and visualized platform for text open intent recognition. It is composed of two main modules: open intent detection and open intent discovery. Each module integrates most of the state-of-the-art algorithms and benchmark intent datasets. It also contains an overall framework connecting the two modules in a pipeline scheme. In addition, this platform has visualized tools for data and model management, training, evaluation and analysis of the performance from different aspects. TEXTOIR provides useful toolkits and convenient visualized interfaces for each sub-module (Toolkit code: https://github.com/thuiar/TEXTOIR), and designs a framework to implement a complete process to both identify known intents and discover open intents (Demo code: https://github.com/thuiar/TEXTOIR-DEMO).
PDF Abstract ACL 2021 PDF ACL 2021 Abstract