Towards a Robust Soft Baby Robot With Rich Interaction Ability for Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms

Advanced machine learning algorithms require platforms that are extremely robust and equipped with rich sensory feedback to handle extensive trial-and-error learning without relying on strong inductive biases. Traditional robotic designs, while well-suited for their specific use cases, are often fragile when used with these algorithms. To address this gap -- and inspired by the vision of enabling curiosity-driven baby robots -- we present a novel robotic limb designed from scratch. Our design has a hybrid soft-hard structure, high redundancy with rich non-contact sensors (exclusively cameras), and easily replaceable failure points. Proof-of-concept experiments using two contemporary reinforcement learning algorithms on a physical prototype demonstrate that our design is able to succeed in a simple target-finding task even under simulated sensor failures, all with minimal human oversight during extended learning periods. We believe this design represents a concrete step toward more tailored robotic designs for achieving general-purpose, generally intelligent robots.

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