Transfer Learning and Sentence Level Features for Named Entity Recognition on Tweets

WS 2017  ·  Pius von D{\"a}niken, Mark Cieliebak ·

We present our system for the WNUT 2017 Named Entity Recognition challenge on Twitter data. We describe two modifications of a basic neural network architecture for sequence tagging. First, we show how we exploit additional labeled data, where the Named Entity tags differ from the target task. Then, we propose a way to incorporate sentence level features. Our system uses both methods and ranked second for entity level annotations, achieving an F1-score of 40.78, and second for surface form annotations, achieving an F1-score of 39.33.

PDF Abstract


Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Benchmark
Named Entity Recognition (NER) WNUT 2017 SpinningBytes F1 40.78 # 23
F1 (surface form) 39.33 # 2


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