Transformers without Tears: Improving the Normalization of Self-Attention

EMNLP (IWSLT) 2019  ·  Toan Q. Nguyen, Julian Salazar ·

We evaluate three simple, normalization-centric changes to improve Transformer training. First, we show that pre-norm residual connections (PreNorm) and smaller initializations enable warmup-free, validation-based training with large learning rates. Second, we propose $\ell_2$ normalization with a single scale parameter (ScaleNorm) for faster training and better performance. Finally, we reaffirm the effectiveness of normalizing word embeddings to a fixed length (FixNorm). On five low-resource translation pairs from TED Talks-based corpora, these changes always converge, giving an average +1.1 BLEU over state-of-the-art bilingual baselines and a new 32.8 BLEU on IWSLT'15 English-Vietnamese. We observe sharper performance curves, more consistent gradient norms, and a linear relationship between activation scaling and decoder depth. Surprisingly, in the high-resource setting (WMT'14 English-German), ScaleNorm and FixNorm remain competitive but PreNorm degrades performance.

PDF Abstract EMNLP (IWSLT) 2019 PDF EMNLP (IWSLT) 2019 Abstract


  Add Datasets introduced or used in this paper
Task Dataset Model Metric Name Metric Value Global Rank Benchmark
Machine Translation IWSLT2015 English-Vietnamese Transformer+BPE+FixNorm+ScaleNorm BLEU 32.8 # 4
