Trust from the past: Bayesian Personalized Ranking based Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs
Link prediction, or predicting the likelihood of a link in a knowledge graph based on its existing state is a key research task. It differs from a traditional link prediction task in that the links in a knowledge graph are categorized into different predicates and the link prediction performance of different predicates in a knowledge graph generally varies widely. In this work, we propose a latent feature embedding based link prediction model which considers the prediction task for each predicate disjointly. To learn the model parameters it utilizes a Bayesian personalized ranking based optimization technique. Experimental results on large-scale knowledge bases such as YAGO2 show that our link prediction approach achieves substantially higher performance than several state-of-art approaches. We also show that for a given predicate the topological properties of the knowledge graph induced by the given predicate edges are key indicators of the link prediction performance of that predicate in the knowledge graph.
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