Universal simulation of Markovian quantum dynamics

15 Aug 2000  ·  Dave Bacon, Andrew M. Childs, Isaac L. Chuang, Julia Kempe, Debbie W. Leung, Xinlan Zhou ·

Although the conditions for performing arbitrary unitary operations to simulate the dynamics of a closed quantum system are well understood, the same is not true of the more general class of quantum operations (also known as superoperators) corresponding to the dynamics of open quantum systems. We propose a framework for the generation of Markovian quantum dynamics and study the resources needed for universality. For the case of a single qubit, we show that a single nonunitary process is necessary and sufficient to generate all unital Markovian quantum dynamics, whereas a set of processes parametrized by one continuous parameter is needed in general. We also obtain preliminary results for the unital case in higher dimensions.

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Quantum Physics