University of Hildesheim at SemEval-2022 task 5: Combining Deep Text and Image Models for Multimedia Misogyny Detection

This paper describes the participation of the University of Hildesheim at the SemEval task 5. The task deals with Multimedia Automatic Misogyny Identification (MAMI). Hateful memes need to be detected within a data collection. For this task, we implemented six models for text and image analysis and tested the effectiveness of their combinations. A fusion system implements a multi-modal transformer to integrate the embeddings of these models. The best performing models included BERT for the text of the meme, manually derived associations for words in the memes and a Faster R-CNN network for the image. We evaluated the performance of our approach also with the data of the Facebook Hateful Memes challenge in order to analyze the generalisation capabilities of the approach.

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