VectorSearch: Enhancing Document Retrieval with Semantic Embeddings and Optimized Search

25 Sep 2024  ·  Solmaz Seyed Monir, Irene Lau, Shubing Yang, Dongfang Zhao ·

Traditional retrieval methods have been essential for assessing document similarity but struggle with capturing semantic nuances. Despite advancements in latent semantic analysis (LSA) and deep learning, achieving comprehensive semantic understanding and accurate retrieval remains challenging due to high dimensionality and semantic gaps. The above challenges call for new techniques to effectively reduce the dimensions and close the semantic gaps. To this end, we propose VectorSearch, which leverages advanced algorithms, embeddings, and indexing techniques for refined retrieval. By utilizing innovative multi-vector search operations and encoding searches with advanced language models, our approach significantly improves retrieval accuracy. Experiments on real-world datasets show that VectorSearch outperforms baseline metrics, demonstrating its efficacy for large-scale retrieval tasks.

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