Wide Compression: Tensor Ring Nets

Deep neural networks have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in a variety of real-world applications. In order to obtain performance gains, these networks have grown larger and deeper, containing millions or even billions of parameters and over a thousand layers. The trade-off is that these large architectures require an enormous amount of memory, storage, and computation, thus limiting their usability. Inspired by the recent tensor ring factorization, we introduce Tensor Ring Networks (TR-Nets), which significantly compress both the fully connected layers and the convolutional layers of deep neural networks. Our results show that our TR-Nets approach {is able to compress LeNet-5 by $11\times$ without losing accuracy}, and can compress the state-of-the-art Wide ResNet by $243\times$ with only 2.3\% degradation in {Cifar10 image classification}. Overall, this compression scheme shows promise in scientific computing and deep learning, especially for emerging resource-constrained devices such as smartphones, wearables, and IoT devices.

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