Search Results for author: {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}

Found 27 papers, 0 papers with code

Toward Universal Dependencies for Shipibo-Konibo

no code implementations WS 2018 Alonso Vasquez, Renzo Ego Aguirre, C Angulo, y, John Miller, Claudia Villanueva, {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Roberto Zariquiey, Arturo Oncevay

We present an initial version of the Universal Dependencies (UD) treebank for Shipibo-Konibo, the first South American, Amazonian, Panoan and Peruvian language with a resource built under UD.

Dependency Parsing Machine Translation

Cross-lingual tagger evaluation without test data

no code implementations EACL 2017 {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Barbara Plank, Anders S{\o}gaard

We address the challenge of cross-lingual POS tagger evaluation in absence of manually annotated test data.


Universal Dependencies for Serbian in Comparison with Croatian and Other Slavic Languages

no code implementations WS 2017 Tanja Samard{\v{z}}i{\'c}, Mirjana Starovi{\'c}, {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Nikola Ljube{\v{s}}i{\'c}

The paper documents the procedure of building a new Universal Dependencies (UDv2) treebank for Serbian starting from an existing Croatian UDv1 treebank and taking into account the other Slavic UD annotation guidelines.

The SETimes.HR Linguistically Annotated Corpus of Croatian

no code implementations LREC 2014 {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Nikola Ljube{\v{s}}i{\'c}

We build and evaluate statistical models for lemmatization, morphosyntactic tagging, named entity recognition and dependency parsing on top of SETimes. HR and the test sets, providing the state of the art in all the tasks.

Boundary Detection Dependency Parsing +5

Croatian Dependency Treebank 2.0: New Annotation Guidelines for Improved Parsing

no code implementations LREC 2014 {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Da{\v{s}}a Berovi{\'c}, Danijela Merkler, Marko Tadi{\'c}

Introducing the new annotation to Croatian Dependency Treebank, we also modify head attachment rules addressing subordinate conjunctions and subordinate clause predicates.

Dependency Parsing

Croatian Dependency Treebank: Recent Development and Initial Experiments

no code implementations LREC 2012 Da{\v{s}}a Berovi{\'c}, {\v{Z}}eljko Agi{\'c}, Marko Tadi{\'c}

We present the current state of development of the Croatian Dependency Treebank ― with special empahsis on adapting the Prague Dependency Treebank formalism to Croatian language specifics ― and illustrate its possible applications in an experiment with dependency parsing using MaltParser.

Dependency Parsing Language Modelling

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