Search Results for author: Çağın Ararat

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

VOPy: A Framework for Black-box Vector Optimization

1 code implementation9 Dec 2024 Yaşar Cahit Yıldırım, Efe Mert Karagözlü, İlter Onat Korkmaz, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

We introduce VOPy, an open-source Python library designed to address black-box vector optimization, where multiple objectives must be optimized simultaneously with respect to a partial order induced by a convex cone.

Vector Optimization with Gaussian Process Bandits

1 code implementation3 Dec 2024 İlter Onat Korkmaz, Yaşar Cahit Yıldırım, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

VOGP allows users to convey objective preferences through ordering cones while performing efficient sampling by exploiting the smoothness of the objective function, resulting in a more effective optimization process that requires fewer evaluations.

Drug Design

Systemic values-at-risk and their sample-average approximations

no code implementations16 Aug 2024 Wissam AlAli, Çağın Ararat

We assume that the systemic risk measure is defined using a general aggregation function with some continuity properties and value-at-risk applied as a monetary risk measure.

On the Separability of Vector-Valued Risk Measures

no code implementations23 Jul 2024 Çağın Ararat, Zachary Feinstein

Risk measures for random vectors have been considered in multi-asset markets with transaction costs and financial networks in the literature.

Decision Making

Decomposable sums and their implications on naturally quasiconvex risk measures

no code implementations14 Jan 2022 Çağın Ararat, Barış Bilir, Elisa Mastrogiacomo

The notion of convexity index, defined in 1980s for finite-dimensional vector spaces, plays a crucial role in the discussion of decomposable sums.

Vector Optimization with Stochastic Bandit Feedback

no code implementations23 Oct 2021 Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

We introduce vector optimization problems with stochastic bandit feedback, in which preferences among designs are encoded by a polyhedral ordering cone $C$.

MAD Risk Parity Portfolios

no code implementations23 Oct 2021 Çağın Ararat, Francesco Cesarone, Mustafa Çelebi Pınar, Jacopo Maria Ricci

In this paper, we investigate the features and the performance of the Risk Parity (RP) portfolios using the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) as a risk measure.

Dual representations of quasiconvex compositions with applications to systemic risk

no code implementations29 Aug 2021 Çağın Ararat, Mücahit Aygün

Motivated by the problem of finding dual representations for quasiconvex systemic risk measures in financial mathematics, we study quasiconvex compositions in an abstract infinite-dimensional setting.

Portfolio optimization with two quasiconvex risk measures

no code implementations11 Dec 2020 Çağın Ararat

We study a static portfolio optimization problem with two risk measures: a principle risk measure in the objective function and a secondary risk measure whose value is controlled in the constraints.

Portfolio Optimization Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Pareto Active Learning with Gaussian Processes and Adaptive Discretization

1 code implementation24 Jun 2020 Andi Nika, Kerem Bozgan, Sepehr Elahi, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

We consider the problem of optimizing a vector-valued objective function $\boldsymbol{f}$ sampled from a Gaussian Process (GP) whose index set is a well-behaved, compact metric space $({\cal X}, d)$ of designs.

Active Learning Gaussian Processes

Set-Valued Risk Measures as Backward Stochastic Difference Inclusions and Equations

no code implementations14 Dec 2019 Çağın Ararat, Zachary Feinstein

Scalar dynamic risk measures for univariate positions in continuous time are commonly represented as backward stochastic differential equations.

Portfolio optimization with two coherent risk measures

no code implementations25 Mar 2019 Tahsin Deniz Aktürk, Çağın Ararat

We provide analytical results for a static portfolio optimization problem with two coherent risk measures.

Decision Making Portfolio Optimization +1

Computation of systemic risk measures: a mixed-integer programming approach

no code implementations20 Mar 2019 Çağın Ararat, Nurtai Meimanjan

Systemic risk is concerned with the instability of a financial system whose members are interdependent in the sense that the failure of a few institutions may trigger a chain of defaults throughout the system.

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