Search Results for author: İlter Onat Korkmaz

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

VOPy: A Framework for Black-box Vector Optimization

1 code implementation9 Dec 2024 Yaşar Cahit Yıldırım, Efe Mert Karagözlü, İlter Onat Korkmaz, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

We introduce VOPy, an open-source Python library designed to address black-box vector optimization, where multiple objectives must be optimized simultaneously with respect to a partial order induced by a convex cone.

Vector Optimization with Gaussian Process Bandits

1 code implementation3 Dec 2024 İlter Onat Korkmaz, Yaşar Cahit Yıldırım, Çağın Ararat, Cem Tekin

VOGP allows users to convey objective preferences through ordering cones while performing efficient sampling by exploiting the smoothness of the objective function, resulting in a more effective optimization process that requires fewer evaluations.

Drug Design

Robust Pareto Set Identification with Contaminated Bandit Feedback

no code implementations6 Jun 2022 İlter Onat Korkmaz, Efe Eren Ceyani, Kerem Bozgan, Cem Tekin

We consider ({\alpha}, {\delta})-PAC PSI and propose a sample median-based multi-objective adaptive elimination algorithm that returns an ({\alpha}, {\delta})- PAC Pareto set upon termination with a sample complexity bound that depends on the contamination probability.

Management Multi-Armed Bandits

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