Search Results for author: Chu Zhou

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Learning to Deblur Polarized Images

no code implementations28 Feb 2024 Chu Zhou, Minggui Teng, Xinyu Zhou, Chao Xu, Boxin Sh

However, since the on-chip micro-polarizers block part of the light so that the sensor often requires a longer exposure time, the captured polarized images are prone to motion blur caused by camera shakes, leading to noticeable degradation in the computed DoP and AoP.

Deblurring Image Deblurring +2

EvDiG: Event-guided Direct and Global Components Separation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Xinyu Zhou, Peiqi Duan, Boyu Li, Chu Zhou, Chao Xu, Boxin Shi

In this paper we leverage the event camera to facilitate the separation of direct and global components enabling video-rate separation of high quality.

1000 FPS HDR Video With a Spike-RGB Hybrid Camera

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Yakun Chang, Chu Zhou, Yuchen Hong, Liwen Hu, Chao Xu, Tiejun Huang, Boxin Shi

Capturing high frame rate and high dynamic range (HFR&HDR) color videos in high-speed scenes with conventional frame-based cameras is very challenging.

Video Reconstruction

Learning to dehaze with polarization

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Chu Zhou, Minggui Teng, Yufei Han, Chao Xu, Boxin Shi

Haze, a common kind of bad weather caused by atmospheric scattering, decreases the visibility of scenes and degenerates the performance of computer vision algorithms.

Image Dehazing Single Image Dehazing

EvIntSR-Net: Event Guided Multiple Latent Frames Reconstruction and Super-Resolution

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Jin Han, Yixin Yang, Chu Zhou, Chao Xu, Boxin Shi

To reconstruct high-resolution intensity images from event data, we propose EvIntSR-Net that converts event data to multiple latent intensity frames to achieve super-resolution on intensity images in this paper.


UnModNet: Learning to Unwrap a Modulo Image for High Dynamic Range Imaging

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Chu Zhou, Hang Zhao, Jin Han, Chang Xu, Chao Xu, Tiejun Huang, Boxin Shi

A conventional camera often suffers from over- or under-exposure when recording a real-world scene with a very high dynamic range (HDR).

Pushing the limits of RNN Compression

no code implementations4 Oct 2019 Urmish Thakker, Igor Fedorov, Jesse Beu, Dibakar Gope, Chu Zhou, Ganesh Dasika, Matthew Mattina

This paper introduces a method to compress RNNs for resource constrained environments using Kronecker product (KP).

Compressing RNNs for IoT devices by 15-38x using Kronecker Products

no code implementations7 Jun 2019 Urmish Thakker, Jesse Beu, Dibakar Gope, Chu Zhou, Igor Fedorov, Ganesh Dasika, Matthew Mattina

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) can be difficult to deploy on resource constrained devices due to their size. As a result, there is a need for compression techniques that can significantly compress RNNs without negatively impacting task accuracy.

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