Search Results for author: Peiqi Duan

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

On the Evaluation of Generative Robotic Simulations

no code implementations10 Oct 2024 Feng Chen, Botian Xu, Pu Hua, Peiqi Duan, Yanchao Yang, Yi Ma, Huazhe Xu

For single-task quality, we evaluate the realism of the generated task and the completeness of the generated trajectories using large language models and vision-language models.

Diversity text similarity +1

EvDiG: Event-guided Direct and Global Components Separation

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Xinyu Zhou, Peiqi Duan, Boyu Li, Chu Zhou, Chao Xu, Boxin Shi

In this paper we leverage the event camera to facilitate the separation of direct and global components enabling video-rate separation of high quality.

EvPlug: Learn a Plug-and-Play Module for Event and Image Fusion

no code implementations28 Dec 2023 Jianping Jiang, Xinyu Zhou, Peiqi Duan, Boxin Shi

The learned fusion module integrates event streams with image features in the form of a plug-in, endowing the RGB-based model to be robust to HDR and fast motion scenes while enabling high temporal resolution inference.

3D Hand Pose Estimation object-detection +2

EventAid: Benchmarking Event-aided Image/Video Enhancement Algorithms with Real-captured Hybrid Dataset

no code implementations13 Dec 2023 Peiqi Duan, Boyu Li, Yixin Yang, Hanyue Lou, Minggui Teng, Yi Ma, Boxin Shi

Event cameras are emerging imaging technology that offers advantages over conventional frame-based imaging sensors in dynamic range and sensing speed.

Benchmarking Deblurring +6

Coherent Event Guided Low-Light Video Enhancement

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Jinxiu Liang, Yixin Yang, Boyu Li, Peiqi Duan, Yong Xu, Boxin Shi

With frame-based cameras, capturing fast-moving scenes without suffering from blur often comes at the cost of low SNR and low contrast.

Video Enhancement

EvUnroll: Neuromorphic Events Based Rolling Shutter Image Correction

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Xinyu Zhou, Peiqi Duan, Yi Ma, Boxin Shi

This paper proposes to use neuromorphic events for correcting rolling shutter (RS) images as consecutive global shutter (GS) frames.

EventZoom: Learning To Denoise and Super Resolve Neuromorphic Events

no code implementations CVPR 2021 Peiqi Duan, Zihao W. Wang, Xinyu Zhou, Yi Ma, Boxin Shi

EventZoom is trained in a noise-to-noise fashion where the two ends of the network are unfiltered noisy events, enforcing noise-free event restoration.

Denoising Image Reconstruction +1

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