no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Lingzhi Zhang, Tarmily Wen, Jie Min, Jiancong Wang, David Han, Jianbo Shi
We study the problem of common sense placement of visual objects in an image.
no code implementations • 3 Jun 2020 • Lingzhi Zhang, Jiancong Wang, Yinshuang Xu, Jie Min, Tarmily Wen, James C. Gee, Jianbo Shi
We propose an image synthesis approach that provides stratified navigation in the latent code space.
2 code implementations • 25 Oct 2019 • Lingzhi Zhang, Tarmily Wen, Jianbo Shi
In addition, we jointly optimize the proposed Poisson blending loss as well as the style and content loss computed from a deep network, and reconstruct the blending region by iteratively updating the pixels using the L-BFGS solver.