no code implementations • 10 Feb 2021 • Fatemeh Sharifizadeh, Mohammad Ganjtabesh, Abbas Nowzari-Dalini
The human visual system contains a hierarchical sequence of modules that take part in visual perception at superordinate, basic, and subordinate categorization levels.
1 code implementation • 6 Mar 2019 • Milad Mozafari, Mohammad Ganjtabesh, Abbas Nowzari-Dalini, Timothée Masquelier
Application of deep convolutional spiking neural networks (SNNs) to artificial intelligence (AI) tasks has recently gained a lot of interest since SNNs are hardware-friendly and energy-efficient.
1 code implementation • 31 Mar 2018 • Milad Mozafari, Mohammad Ganjtabesh, Abbas Nowzari-Dalini, Simon J. Thorpe, Timothée Masquelier
We trained it using a combination of spike-timing-dependent plasticity (STDP) for the lower layers and reward-modulated STDP (R-STDP) for the higher ones.
no code implementations • 25 May 2017 • Milad Mozafari, Saeed Reza Kheradpisheh, Timothée Masquelier, Abbas Nowzari-Dalini, Mohammad Ganjtabesh
In the highest layers, each neuron was assigned to an object category, and it was assumed that the stimulus category was the category of the first neuron to fire.