Search Results for author: Abdullah Hayajneh

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Real-time Building Energy Storage Scheduling under Electrical Load Uncertainty: A Dynamic Markov Decision Process Approach with Comprehensive Analysis of Different Pricing Policies

no code implementations9 Dec 2023 Hussein Sharadga, Ahmad Dawahdeh, Golbon Zakeri, Abdullah Hayajneh, Geoff Pritchard

In response to the increasing deployment of battery storage systems for cost reduction and grid stress mitigation, this study presents the development of a new real-time Markov decision process model to efficiently schedule battery systems in buildings under electrical load uncertainty.


CleftGAN: Adapting A Style-Based Generative Adversarial Network To Create Images Depicting Cleft Lip Deformity

1 code implementation12 Oct 2023 Abdullah Hayajneh, Erchin Serpedin, Mohammad Shaqfeh, Graeme Glass, Mitchell A. Stotland

We undertook a transfer learning protocol testing different versions of StyleGAN-ADA (a generative adversarial network image generator incorporating adaptive data augmentation (ADA)) as the base model.

Data Augmentation Ethics +2

Unsupervised Anomaly Appraisal of Cleft Faces Using a StyleGAN2-based Model Adaptation Technique

no code implementations12 Nov 2022 Abdullah Hayajneh, Mohammad Shaqfeh, Erchin Serpedin, Mitchell A. Stotland

This paper presents a novel machine learning framework to consistently detect, localize and rate congenital cleft lip anomalies in human faces.

Generative Adversarial Network

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