no code implementations • 12 Jun 2024 • Sreeni Poolakkal, Abdullah Islam, Shrestha Bansal, Arpit Rao, Ted Dabrowski, Kalsi Kwan, Amit Mishra, Quiyan Xu, Erfan Ghaderi, Pradeep Lall, Sudip Shekhar, Julio Navarro, Shenqiang Ren, John Williams, Subhanshu Gupta
Silicon-based RF signal processing offers reliable, reconfigurable, multi-functional, and compact control for conformal phased arrays that can be used for on-the-move communication.
1 code implementation • 23 Nov 2023 • Asma Ben Abacha, Alberto Santamaria-Pang, Ho Hin Lee, Jameson Merkow, Qin Cai, Surya Teja Devarakonda, Abdullah Islam, Julia Gong, Matthew P. Lungren, Thomas Lin, Noel C Codella, Ivan Tarapov
The increasing use of medical imaging in healthcare settings presents a significant challenge due to the increasing workload for radiologists, yet it also offers opportunity for enhancing healthcare outcomes if effectively leveraged.