no code implementations • 27 Mar 2024 • Yejin Kim, Scott Rome, Kevin Foley, Mayur Nankani, Rimon Melamed, Javier Morales, Abhay Yadav, Maria Peifer, Sardar Hamidian, H. Howie Huang
It is essential to provide recommendations that are both personalized and diverse, rather than solely relying on achieving high rank-based performance, such as Click-through Rate, Recall, etc.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2020 • Amnon Geifman, Abhay Yadav, Yoni Kasten, Meirav Galun, David Jacobs, Ronen Basri
Experiments show that these kernel methods perform similarly to real neural networks.
1 code implementation • ICLR 2018 • Abhay Yadav, Sohil Shah, Zheng Xu, David Jacobs, Tom Goldstein
Adversarial neural networks solve many important problems in data science, but are notoriously difficult to train.
no code implementations • 18 Oct 2016 • Soham De, Abhay Yadav, David Jacobs, Tom Goldstein
The high fidelity gradients enable automated learning rate selection and do not require stepsize decay.