no code implementations • 10 Dec 2023 • Angel Daruna, Yunye Gong, Abhinav Rajvanshi, Han-Pang Chiu, Yi Yao
Our implementation balances the benefits of sampling and analytical propagation techniques, which we believe, is a key factor in achieving performance improvements.
no code implementations • 25 Oct 2023 • Xingchen Zhao, Niluthpol Chowdhury Mithun, Abhinav Rajvanshi, Han-Pang Chiu, Supun Samarasekera
Recent state-of-the-art (SOTA) UDA methods employ a teacher-student self-training approach, where a teacher model is used to generate pseudo-labels for the new data which in turn guide the training process of the student model.
1 code implementation • 8 Sep 2023 • Abhinav Rajvanshi, Karan Sikka, Xiao Lin, Bhoram Lee, Han-Pang Chiu, Alvaro Velasquez
We evaluate SayNav on multi-object navigation (MultiON) task, that requires the agent to utilize a massive amount of human knowledge to efficiently search multiple different objects in an unknown environment.
no code implementations • CVPR 2023 • Nazmul Karim, Niluthpol Chowdhury Mithun, Abhinav Rajvanshi, Han-Pang Chiu, Supun Samarasekera, Nazanin Rahnavard
In this regard, source-free domain adaptation (SFDA) excels as access to source data is no longer required during adaptation.
Ranked #4 on Source-Free Domain Adaptation on VisDA-2017