Search Results for author: Abhishek Dubey

Found 39 papers, 11 papers with code

Enabling MCTS Explainability for Sequential Planning Through Computation Tree Logic

no code implementations15 Jul 2024 Ziyan An, Hendrik Baier, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Meiyi Ma

Our framework begins by taking user-defined requirements and translating them into rigorous logic specifications through the use of language templates.


Forecasting and Mitigating Disruptions in Public Bus Transit Services

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Chaeeun Han, Jose Paolo Talusan, Dan Freudberg, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Abhishek Dubey, Aron Laszka

Public transportation systems often suffer from unexpected fluctuations in demand and disruptions, such as mechanical failures and medical emergencies.

Decision Making in Non-Stationary Environments with Policy-Augmented Search

1 code implementation6 Jan 2024 Ava Pettet, Yunuo Zhang, Baiting Luo, Kyle Wray, Hendrik Baier, Aron Laszka, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

In this paper, we introduce \textit{Policy-Augmented Monte Carlo tree search} (PA-MCTS), which combines action-value estimates from an out-of-date policy with an online search using an up-to-date model of the environment.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +2

Act as You Learn: Adaptive Decision-Making in Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes

1 code implementation3 Jan 2024 Baiting Luo, Yunuo Zhang, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

However, existing approaches for decision-making in NSMDPs have two major shortcomings: first, they assume that the updated environmental dynamics at the current time are known (although future dynamics can change); and second, planning is largely pessimistic, i. e., the agent acts ``safely'' to account for the non-stationary evolution of the environment.

Decision Making

ANTI-CARLA: An Adversarial Testing Framework for Autonomous Vehicles in CARLA

1 code implementation19 Jul 2022 Shreyas Ramakrishna, Baiting Luo, Christopher Kuhn, Gabor Karsai, Abhishek Dubey

A key part of such tests is adversarial testing, in which the goal is to find scenarios that lead to failures of the given system.

Autonomous Driving

Generative Anomaly Detection for Time Series Datasets

no code implementations28 Jun 2022 Zhuangwei Kang, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Aniruddha Gokhale, Shijie Wen, Abhishek Dubey

To this end, we propose a principled and comprehensive framework consisting of a data-driven generative approach that can perform tractable density estimation for detecting traffic anomalies.

Anomaly Detection Density Estimation +2

ADVISER: AI-Driven Vaccination Intervention Optimiser for Increasing Vaccine Uptake in Nigeria

no code implementations28 Apr 2022 Vineet Nair, Kritika Prakash, Michael Wilbur, Aparna Taneja, Corinne Namblard, Oyindamola Adeyemo, Abhishek Dubey, Abiodun Adereni, Milind Tambe, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

More than 5 million children under five years die from largely preventable or treatable medical conditions every year, with an overwhelmingly large proportion of deaths occurring in under-developed countries with low vaccination uptake.

Offline Vehicle Routing Problem with Online Bookings: A Novel Problem Formulation with Applications to Paratransit

1 code implementation25 Apr 2022 Amutheezan Sivagnanam, Salah Uddin Kadir, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Philip Pugliese, Abhishek Dubey, Samitha Samaranayake, Aron Laszka

Vehicle routing problems (VRPs) can be divided into two major categories: offline VRPs, which consider a given set of trip requests to be served, and online VRPs, which consider requests as they arrive in real-time.

An Online Approach to Solve the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Trip Requests for Paratransit Services

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Michael Wilbur, Salah Uddin Kadir, Youngseo Kim, Geoffrey Pettet, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Philip Pugliese, Samitha Samaranayake, Aron Laszka, Abhishek Dubey

Accounting for stochastic requests while optimizing a non-myopic utility function is computationally challenging; indeed, the action space for such a problem is intractably large in practice.

Decision Making

Risk-Aware Scene Sampling for Dynamic Assurance of Autonomous Systems

1 code implementation28 Feb 2022 Shreyas Ramakrishna, Baiting Luo, Yogesh Barve, Gabor Karsai, Abhishek Dubey

Our samplers of RNS and GBO sampled a higher percentage of high-risk scenes of 83% and 92%, compared to 56%, 66% and 71% of the grid, random and Halton samplers, respectively.

Bayesian Optimization Scene Generation

Decision Making in Non-Stationary Environments with Policy-Augmented Monte Carlo Tree Search

no code implementations25 Feb 2022 Geoffrey Pettet, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Abhishek Dubey

We find that PC-MCTS can achieve higher cumulative rewards than the policy in isolation under several environmental shifts while converging in significantly fewer iterations than pure MCTS.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +1

Designing Decision Support Systems for Emergency Response: Challenges and Opportunities

no code implementations23 Feb 2022 Geoffrey Pettet, Hunter Baxter, Sayyed Mohsen Vazirizade, Hemant Purohit, Meiyi Ma, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Abhishek Dubey

Designing effective emergency response management (ERM) systems to respond to incidents such as road accidents is a major problem faced by communities.


Practitioner-Centric Approach for Early Incident Detection Using Crowdsourced Data for Emergency Services

no code implementations3 Dec 2021 Yasas Senarath, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Sayyed Mohsen Vazirizade, Hemant Purohit, Saideep Nannapaneni, Abhishek Dubey

First, we show how crowdsourced reports, ground-truth historical data, and other relevant determinants such as traffic and weather can be used together in a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture for early detection of emergency incidents.

Event Detection Management +1

Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection Using Latent Space of $β$-VAE for Cyber-Physical Systems

no code implementations26 Aug 2021 Shreyas Ramakrishna, Zahra Rahiminasab, Gabor Karsai, Arvind Easwaran, Abhishek Dubey

In this paper, we study this problem as a multi-labeled time series OOD detection problem over images, where the OOD is defined both sequentially across short time windows (change points) as well as across the training data distribution.

Out-of-Distribution Detection Out of Distribution (OOD) Detection +1

Reinforcement Learning based Proactive Control for Transmission Grid Resilience to Wildfire

no code implementations12 Jul 2021 Salah U. Kadir, Subir Majumder, Ajay D. Chhokra, Abhishek Dubey, Himanshu Neema, Aron Laszka, Anurag K. Srivastava

We model and solve the proactive control problem as a Markov decision process and introduce an integrated testbed for spatio-temporal wildfire propagation and proactive power-system operation.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +1

Transit-Gym: A Simulation and Evaluation Engine for Analysis of Bus Transit Systems

no code implementations30 Jun 2021 Ruixiao Sun, Rongze Gui, Himanshu Neema, Yuche Chen, Juliette Ugirumurera, Joseph Severino, Philip Pugliese, Aron Laszka, Abhishek Dubey

Public-transit systems face a number of operational challenges: (a) changing ridership patterns requiring optimization of fixed line services, (b) optimizing vehicle-to-trip assignments to reduce maintenance and operation codes, and (c) ensuring equitable and fair coverage to areas with low ridership.

Learning Incident Prediction Models Over Large Geographical Areas for Emergency Response Systems

2 code implementations15 Jun 2021 Sayyed Mohsen Vazirizade, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Geoffrey Pettet, Said El Said, Hiba Baroud, Abhishek Dubey

These statistical models are then used for proactive stationing which allocates first responders across the spatial area in order to reduce overall response time.

Decision Making Management

Deep-RBF Networks for Anomaly Detection in Automotive Cyber-Physical Systems

no code implementations25 Mar 2021 Matthew Burruss, Shreyas Ramakrishna, Abhishek Dubey

In this paper, we show how the deep-RBF network can be used for detecting anomalies in CPS regression tasks such as continuous steering predictions.

Anomaly Detection

ReSonAte: A Runtime Risk Assessment Framework for Autonomous Systems

2 code implementations18 Feb 2021 Charles Hartsell, Shreyas Ramakrishna, Abhishek Dubey, Daniel Stojcsics, Nagabhushan Mahadevan, Gabor Karsai

To help with this process, we provide a scenario modeling procedure that can use the prior distributions of the scenes and threat conditions to generate the data required for estimating the conditional relationships.


Efficient Data Management for Intelligent Urban Mobility Systems

no code implementations22 Jan 2021 Michael Wilbur, Philip Pugliese, Aron Laszka, Abhishek Dubey

Modern intelligent urban mobility applications are underpinned by large-scale, multivariate, spatiotemporal data streams.

Computers and Society

Hierarchical Planning for Resource Allocation in Emergency Response Systems

no code implementations24 Dec 2020 Geoffrey Pettet, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Mykel Kochenderfer, Abhishek Dubey

We use the emergency response as a case study and show how a large resource allocation problem can be split into smaller problems.

Emergency Incident Detection from Crowdsourced Waze Data using Bayesian Information Fusion

1 code implementation10 Nov 2020 Yasas Senarath, Saideep Nannapaneni, Hemant Purohit, Abhishek Dubey

Crowdsourcing platforms such as Waze provides an opportunity to develop a rapid, `proactive' approach to collect data about incidents through crowd-generated observational reports.

Traffic Accident Detection

Designing Emergency Response Pipelines : Lessons and Challenges

no code implementations15 Oct 2020 Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Geoffrey Pettet, Mykel Kochenderfer, Abhishek Dubey

Emergency response to incidents such as accidents, crimes, and fires is a major problem faced by communities.


A Review of Incident Prediction, Resource Allocation, and Dispatch Models for Emergency Management

no code implementations7 Jun 2020 Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Geoffrey Pettet, Sayyed Vazirizade, Di Lu, Said El Said, Alex Jaimes, Hiba Baroud, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Mykel Kochenderfer, Abhishek Dubey

In the last fifty years, researchers have developed statistical, data-driven, analytical, and algorithmic approaches for designing and improving emergency response management (ERM) systems.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +1

Workflow Automation for Cyber Physical System Development Processes

no code implementations12 Apr 2020 Charles Hartsell, Nagabhushan Mahadevan, Harmon Nine, Ted Bapty, Abhishek Dubey, Gabor Karsai

Development of Cyber Physical Systems (CPSs) requires close interaction between developers with expertise in many domains to achieve ever-increasing demands for improved performance, reduced cost, and more system autonomy.

Data-Driven Prediction of Route-Level Energy Use for Mixed-Vehicle Transit Fleets

1 code implementation10 Apr 2020 Afiya Ayman, Michael Wilbur, Amutheezan Sivagnanam, Philip Pugliese, Abhishek Dubey, Aron Laszka

In this paper, we present a novel framework for the data-driven prediction of route-level energy use for mixed-vehicle transit fleets, which we evaluate using data collected from the bus fleet of CARTA, the public transit authority of Chattanooga, TN.


Minimizing Energy Use of Mixed-Fleet Public Transit for Fixed-Route Service

no code implementations10 Apr 2020 Amutheezan Sivagnanam, Afiya Ayman, Michael Wilbur, Philip Pugliese, Abhishek Dubey, Aron Laszka

Our results show that the proposed algorithms are scalable and can reduce energy use and, hence, environmental impact and operational costs.


Out-of-Distribution Detection in Multi-Label Datasets using Latent Space of $β$-VAE

no code implementations10 Mar 2020 Vijaya Kumar Sundar, Shreyas Ramakrishna, Zahra Rahiminasab, Arvind Easwaran, Abhishek Dubey

We use the fact that compact latent space generated by an appropriately selected $\beta$-VAE will encode the information about these factors in a few latent variables, and that can be used for computationally inexpensive detection.

Image Segmentation object-detection +4

On Algorithmic Decision Procedures in Emergency Response Systems in Smart and Connected Communities

no code implementations21 Jan 2020 Geoffrey Pettet, Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Mykel Kochenderfer, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Abhishek Dubey

This is not a trivial planning problem --- a major challenge with dynamically balancing the spatial distribution of responders is the complexity of the problem.

Decision Making Decision Making Under Uncertainty +1

Data-Driven Optimization of Public Transit Schedule

no code implementations30 Nov 2019 Sanchita Basak, Fangzhou Sun, Saptarshi Sengupta, Abhishek Dubey

To address these, this paper makes the following contributions to the corpus of studies on transit on-time performance optimization: (a) an unsupervised clustering mechanism is presented which groups months with similar seasonal delay patterns, (b) the problem is formulated as a single-objective optimization task and a greedy algorithm, a genetic algorithm (GA) as well as a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm are employed to solve it, (c) a detailed discussion on empirical results comparing the algorithms are provided and sensitivity analysis on hyper-parameters of the heuristics are presented along with execution times, which will help practitioners looking at similar problems.

Clustering Scheduling

An Online Decision-Theoretic Pipeline for Responder Dispatch

no code implementations21 Feb 2019 Ayan Mukhopadhyay, Geoffrey Pettet, Chinmaya Samal, Abhishek Dubey, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik

We highlight why such an approach is crucial to the effectiveness of emergency response, and present an algorithmic framework that can compute promising actions for a given decision-theoretic model for responder dispatch.

Dynamic-Weighted Simplex Strategy for Learning Enabled Cyber Physical Systems

1 code implementation6 Feb 2019 Shreyas Ramakrishna, Charles Hartsell, Matthew P Burruss, Gabor Karsai, Abhishek Dubey

This architecture integrates the system to be assured with a safe controller and provides a decision logic to switch between the decisions of these controllers.

Autonomous Driving Q-Learning

DxNAT - Deep Neural Networks for Explaining Non-Recurring Traffic Congestion

no code implementations30 Jan 2018 Fangzhou sun, Abhishek Dubey, Jules White

We use data related to real-time traffic speed, jam factors (a traffic congestion indicator), and events collected over a year from Nashville, TN to train a multi-layered deep neural network.

Data Augmentation

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