1 code implementation • 13 Jan 2023 • Esha Pahwa, Achleshwar Luthra, Pratik Narang
It is thus crucial to form a solution that can result in a high-quality image and is efficient enough to be deployed for everyday use.
no code implementations • 7 Dec 2022 • Santosh Kumar Yadav, Achleshwar Luthra, Esha Pahwa, Kamlesh Tiwari, Heena Rathore, Hari Mohan Pandey, Peter Corcoran
To address such complexities, in this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Weighted Temporal Attention (SWTA) module to utilize sparsely sampled video frames for obtaining global weighted temporal attention.
no code implementations • 10 Nov 2022 • Santosh Kumar Yadav, Esha Pahwa, Achleshwar Luthra, Kamlesh Tiwari, Hari Mohan Pandey, Peter Corcoran
To address such complexities, in this paper, we propose a novel Sparse Weighted Temporal Fusion (SWTF) module to utilize sparsely sampled video frames for obtaining global weighted temporal fusion outcome.
1 code implementation • 22 Nov 2021 • Aniket Shirke, Aziz Saifuddin, Achleshwar Luthra, Jiangong Li, Tawni Williams, Xiaodan Hu, Aneesh Kotnana, Okan Kocabalkanli, Narendra Ahuja, Angela Green-Miller, Isabella Condotta, Ryan N. Dilger, Matthew Caesar
We identify the adjacent camera and the shared pig location on the floor at the handover time using inter-view homography.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Jasmine Collins, Shubham Goel, Kenan Deng, Achleshwar Luthra, Leon Xu, Erhan Gundogdu, Xi Zhang, Tomas F. Yago Vicente, Thomas Dideriksen, Himanshu Arora, Matthieu Guillaumin, Jitendra Malik
ABO contains product catalog images, metadata, and artist-created 3D models with complex geometries and physically-based materials that correspond to real, household objects.
no code implementations • 16 Sep 2021 • Achleshwar Luthra, Harsh Sulakhe, Tanish Mittal, Abhishek Iyer, Santosh Yadav
We believe that our work will encourage more research in transformer-based architectures for medical image denoising using residual learning.