Search Results for author: Adit Jain

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Interacting Large Language Model Agents. Interpretable Models and Social Learning

no code implementations2 Nov 2024 Adit Jain, Vikram Krishnamurthy

The main takeaway of this paper, based on substantial empirical analysis and mathematical formalism, is that LLMAs act as rationally bounded Bayesian agents that exhibit social learning when interacting.

Bayesian Inference Language Modelling +2

Annotation Efficiency: Identifying Hard Samples via Blocked Sparse Linear Bandits

no code implementations26 Oct 2024 Adit Jain, Soumyabrata Pal, Sunav Choudhary, Ramasuri Narayanam, Vikram Krishnamurthy

This paper considers the problem of annotating datapoints using an expert with only a few annotation rounds in a label-scarce setting.

Active Learning Blocking +2

Structured Reinforcement Learning for Incentivized Stochastic Covert Optimization

no code implementations13 May 2024 Adit Jain, Vikram Krishnamurthy

This paper studies how a stochastic gradient algorithm (SG) can be controlled to hide the estimate of the local stationary point from an eavesdropper.

Distributed Optimization Federated Learning +2

Controlling Federated Learning for Covertness

no code implementations17 Aug 2023 Adit Jain, Vikram Krishnamurthy

The problem of controlling the stochastic gradient algorithm for covert optimization is modeled as a Markov decision process, and we show that the dynamic programming operator has a supermodular structure implying that the optimal policy has a monotone threshold structure.

Federated Learning

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