Search Results for author: Aditya Gourav

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Personalization for BERT-based Discriminative Speech Recognition Rescoring

no code implementations13 Jul 2023 Jari Kolehmainen, Yile Gu, Aditya Gourav, Prashanth Gurunath Shivakumar, Ankur Gandhe, Ariya Rastrow, Ivan Bulyko

On a test set with personalized named entities, we show that each of these approaches improves word error rate by over 10%, against a neural rescoring baseline.

Decoder speech-recognition +1

On-the-fly Text Retrieval for End-to-End ASR Adaptation

no code implementations20 Mar 2023 Bolaji Yusuf, Aditya Gourav, Ankur Gandhe, Ivan Bulyko

End-to-end speech recognition models are improved by incorporating external text sources, typically by fusion with an external language model.

Language Modelling Question Answering +3

Personalization Strategies for End-to-End Speech Recognition Systems

no code implementations15 Feb 2021 Aditya Gourav, Linda Liu, Ankur Gandhe, Yile Gu, Guitang Lan, Xiangyang Huang, Shashank Kalmane, Gautam Tiwari, Denis Filimonov, Ariya Rastrow, Andreas Stolcke, Ivan Bulyko

We also describe a novel second-pass de-biasing approach: used in conjunction with a first-pass shallow fusion that optimizes on oracle WER, we can achieve an additional 14% improvement on personalized content recognition, and even improve accuracy for the general use case by up to 2. 5%.

speech-recognition Speech Recognition

Domain-aware Neural Language Models for Speech Recognition

no code implementations5 Jan 2021 Linda Liu, Yile Gu, Aditya Gourav, Ankur Gandhe, Shashank Kalmane, Denis Filimonov, Ariya Rastrow, Ivan Bulyko

As voice assistants become more ubiquitous, they are increasingly expected to support and perform well on a wide variety of use-cases across different domains.

Domain Adaptation domain classification +3

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