Search Results for author: Adriaan-Alexander Ludl

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

GENER: A Parallel Layer Deep Learning Network To Detect Gene-Gene Interactions From Gene Expression Data

1 code implementation5 Oct 2023 Ahmed Fakhry, Raneem Khafagy, Adriaan-Alexander Ludl

Detecting and discovering new gene interactions based on known gene expressions and gene interaction data presents a significant challenge.

Deep Learning

High-dimensional multi-trait GWAS by reverse prediction of genotypes

no code implementations29 Oct 2021 Muhammad Ammar Malik, Adriaan-Alexander Ludl, Tom Michoel

Multi-trait genome-wide association studies (GWAS) use multi-variate statistical methods to identify associations between genetic variants and multiple correlated traits simultaneously, and have higher statistical power than independent univariate analyses of traits.

regression Vocal Bursts Intensity Prediction

Comparison between instrumental variable and mediation-based methods for reconstructing causal gene networks in yeast

1 code implementation14 Oct 2020 Adriaan-Alexander Ludl, Tom Michoel

Causal gene networks model the flow of information within a cell, but reconstructing them from omics data is challenging because correlation does not imply causation.

Causal Inference

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