Search Results for author: Ahmed Fakhry

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

GENER: A Parallel Layer Deep Learning Network To Detect Gene-Gene Interactions From Gene Expression Data

1 code implementation5 Oct 2023 Ahmed Fakhry, Raneem Khafagy, Adriaan-Alexander Ludl

Detecting and discovering new gene interactions based on known gene expressions and gene interaction data presents a significant challenge.

Deep Learning

Virufy: A Multi-Branch Deep Learning Network for Automated Detection of COVID-19

no code implementations2 Mar 2021 Ahmed Fakhry, Xinyi Jiang, Jaclyn Xiao, Gunvant Chaudhari, Asriel Han, Amil Khanzada

Such models have the potential to be deployed on smartphones for fast, widespread, and low-resource testing.

Virufy: Global Applicability of Crowdsourced and Clinical Datasets for AI Detection of COVID-19 from Cough

1 code implementation26 Nov 2020 Gunvant Chaudhari, Xinyi Jiang, Ahmed Fakhry, Asriel Han, Jaclyn Xiao, Sabrina Shen, Amil Khanzada

Rapid and affordable methods of testing for COVID-19 infections are essential to reduce infection rates and prevent medical facilities from becoming overwhelmed.

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