Search Results for author: Ahmet Aker

Found 32 papers, 2 papers with code

Categorising Fine-to-Coarse Grained Misinformation: An Empirical Study of COVID-19 Infodemic

no code implementations22 Jun 2021 Ye Jiang, Xingyi Song, Carolina Scarton, Ahmet Aker, Kalina Bontcheva

In this paper, we introduce a fine-grained annotated misinformation tweets dataset including social behaviours annotation (e. g. comment or question to the misinformation).


Identification of Good and Bad News on Twitter

no code implementations RANLP 2019 Piush Aggarwal, Ahmet Aker

We also perform a comparative analysis with sentiments showing that sentiment alone is not enough to distinguish between good and bad news.

An Extensible Multilingual Open Source Lemmatizer

no code implementations RANLP 2017 Ahmet Aker, Johann Petrak, Firas Sabbah

The performance drops when there is no support from HFST and the entire lemmatization process is based on lemma dictionaries.

Information Retrieval LEMMA +1

Projection of Argumentative Corpora from Source to Target Languages

no code implementations WS 2017 Ahmet Aker, Huangpan Zhang

Argumentative corpora are costly to create and are available in only few languages with English dominating the area.

Argument Mining Machine Translation +1

What works and what does not: Classifier and feature analysis for argument mining

no code implementations WS 2017 Ahmet Aker, Alfred Sliwa, Yuan Ma, Ruishen Lui, Niravkumar Borad, Seyedeh Ziyaei, Mina Ghobadi

This paper offers a comparative analysis of the performance of different supervised machine learning methods and feature sets on argument mining tasks.

Argument Mining

Automatic Summarization of Online Debates

no code implementations RANLP 2017 Nattapong Sanchan, Ahmet Aker, Kalina Bontcheva

In our work, we investigate two different clustering approaches for the generation of the summaries.

Clustering Text Summarization

Detection and Resolution of Rumours in Social Media: A Survey

no code implementations3 Apr 2017 Arkaitz Zubiaga, Ahmet Aker, Kalina Bontcheva, Maria Liakata, Rob Procter

Despite the increasing use of social media platforms for information and news gathering, its unmoderated nature often leads to the emergence and spread of rumours, i. e. pieces of information that are unverified at the time of posting.

Classification General Classification +4

What's the Issue Here?: Task-based Evaluation of Reader Comment Summarization Systems

no code implementations LREC 2016 Emma Barker, Monica Paramita, Adam Funk, Emina Kurtic, Ahmet Aker, Jonathan Foster, Mark Hepple, Robert Gaizauskas

Second, we define a task-based evaluation framework for reader comment summarization that allows summarization systems to be assessed in terms of how well they support users in a time-limited task of identifying issues and characterising opinion on issues in comments.


Creation of comparable corpora for English-Urdu, Arabic, Persian

no code implementations LREC 2016 Murad Abouammoh, Kashif Shah, Ahmet Aker

To overcome the low availability of parallel resources the machine translation community has recognized the potential of using comparable resources as training data.

Machine Translation Translation

Bootstrapping Term Extractors for Multiple Languages

no code implementations LREC 2014 Ahmet Aker, Monica Paramita, Emma Barker, Robert Gaizauskas

Terminology extraction resources are needed for a wide range of human language technology applications, including knowledge management, information extraction, semantic search, cross-language information retrieval and automatic and assisted translation.

Information Retrieval Management +4

Bilingual dictionaries for all EU languages

1 code implementation LREC 2014 Ahmet Aker, Monica Paramita, M{\=a}rcis Pinnis, Robert Gaizauskas

In this work we present three different methods for cleaning noise from automatically generated bilingual dictionaries: LLR, pivot and translation based approach.

Translation Transliteration

A Corpus of Spontaneous Multi-party Conversation in Bosnian Serbo-Croatian and British English

no code implementations LREC 2012 Emina Kurti{\'c}, Bill Wells, Guy J. Brown, Timothy Kempton, Ahmet Aker

In this paper we present a corpus of audio and video recordings of spontaneous, face-to-face multi-party conversation in two languages.

Correlation between Similarity Measures for Inter-Language Linked Wikipedia Articles

no code implementations LREC 2012 Monica Lestari Paramita, Paul Clough, Ahmet Aker, Robert Gaizauskas

In this work, we investigate the correlation between similarity measures utilising language-independent and language-dependent features and respective human judgments.

Image Captioning Information Retrieval +3

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