Search Results for author: Aisha Walcott-Bryant

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

A Collaborative Approach to the Analysis of the COVID-19 Response in Africa

no code implementations4 Oct 2022 Sharon Okwako, Irene Wanyana, Alice Namale, Betty Kivumbi Nannyonga, Sekou L. Remy, William Ogallo, Susan Kizito, Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Rhoda Wanyenze

The COVID-19 crisis has emphasized the need for scientific methods such as machine learning to speed up the discovery of solutions to the pandemic.

Surrogate Ensemble Forecasting for Dynamic Climate Impact Models

no code implementations12 Apr 2022 Julian Kuehnert, Deborah McGlynn, Sekou L. Remy, Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Anne Jones

Seasonal ensembles forecasts of temperature and precipitation with a 6-month horizon are propagated through the model, predicting the distribution of transmission time series.

quantile regression Time Series +1

Post-discovery Analysis of Anomalous Subsets

no code implementations23 Nov 2021 Isaiah Onando Mulang', William Ogallo, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Aisha Walcott-Bryant

Analyzing the behaviour of a population in response to disease and interventions is critical to unearth variability in healthcare as well as understand sub-populations that require specialized attention, but also to assist in designing future interventions.

Overcoming Digital Gravity when using AI in Public Health Decisions

no code implementations5 Nov 2021 Sekou L Remy, Aisha Walcott-Bryant, Nelson K Bore, Charles M Wachira, Julian Kuenhert

In popular usage, Data Gravity refers to the ability of a body of data to attract applications, services and other data.


Automated Supervised Feature Selection for Differentiated Patterns of Care

no code implementations5 Nov 2021 Catherine Wanjiru, William Ogallo, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Charles Wachira, Isaiah Onando Mulang', Aisha Walcott-Bryant

The pipeline included three types of feature selection techniques; Filters, Wrappers and Embedded methods to select the top K features.

feature selection

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