Search Results for author: Ajay Bati

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Gaze-LLE: Gaze Target Estimation via Large-Scale Learned Encoders

1 code implementation12 Dec 2024 Fiona Ryan, Ajay Bati, Sangmin Lee, Daniel Bolya, Judy Hoffman, James M. Rehg

We address the problem of gaze target estimation, which aims to predict where a person is looking in a scene.

Gaze Target Estimation

RoseNNa: A performant, portable library for neural network inference with application to computational fluid dynamics

1 code implementation30 Jul 2023 Ajay Bati, Spencer H. Bryngelson

RoseNNa is a non-invasive, lightweight (1000 lines), and performant tool for neural network inference, with focus on the smaller networks used to augment PDE solvers, like those of CFD, which are typically written in C/C++ or Fortran.

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