no code implementations • 16 May 2023 • Hai-Miao Hu, Zhenbo Xu, Wenshuai Xu, You Song, YiTao Zhang, Liu Liu, Zhilin Han, Ajin Meng
To solve this ill-posed inverse problem, most band selection methods adopt hand-crafted priors or exploit clustering or sparse regularization constraints to find most prominent bands.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2021 • Zhenbo Xu, Ajin Meng, Zhenbo Shi, Wei Yang, Zhi Chen, Liusheng Huang
Current one-step multi-object tracking and segmentation (MOTS) methods lag behind recent two-step methods.
1 code implementation • 1 Mar 2020 • Zhenbo Xu, Wei zhang, Xiaoqing Ye, Xiao Tan, Wei Yang, Shilei Wen, Errui Ding, Ajin Meng, Liusheng Huang
The pipeline of ZoomNet begins with an ordinary 2D object detection model which is used to obtain pairs of left-right bounding boxes.
2 code implementations • ECCV 2018 • Zhenbo Xu, Wei Yang, Ajin Meng, Nanxue Lu, Huan Huang, Changchun Ying, Liusheng Huang
Most current license plate (LP) detection and recognition approaches are evaluated on a small and usually unrepresentative dataset since there are no publicly available large diverse datasets.