Search Results for author: Akarsh Kumar

Found 3 papers, 1 papers with code

Automating the Search for Artificial Life with Foundation Models

1 code implementation23 Dec 2024 Akarsh Kumar, Chris Lu, Louis Kirsch, Yujin Tang, Kenneth O. Stanley, Phillip Isola, David Ha

With the recent Nobel Prize awarded for radical advances in protein discovery, foundation models (FMs) for exploring large combinatorial spaces promise to revolutionize many scientific fields.

Artificial Life Ingenuity

Effective Mutation Rate Adaptation through Group Elite Selection

no code implementations11 Apr 2022 Akarsh Kumar, Bo Liu, Risto Miikkulainen, Peter Stone

GESMR co-evolves a population of solutions and a population of MRs, such that each MR is assigned to a group of solutions.

Evolutionary Algorithms Image Classification

Physically Plausible Pose Refinement using Fully Differentiable Forces

no code implementations17 May 2021 Akarsh Kumar, Aditya R. Vaidya, Alexander G. Huth

All hand-object interaction is controlled by forces that the two bodies exert on each other, but little work has been done in modeling these underlying forces when doing pose and contact estimation from RGB/RGB-D data.

Object Pose Estimation +1

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