1 code implementation • EMNLP (WNUT) 2020 • Akshita Aggarwal, Anshul Wadhawan, Anshima Chaudhary, Kavita Maurya
With the increased use of social media platforms by people across the world, many new interesting NLP problems have come into existence.
1 code implementation • EACL (WASSA) 2021 • Anshul Wadhawan, Akshita Aggarwal
In the last few years, emotion detection in social-media text has become a popular problem due to its wide ranging application in better understanding the consumers, in psychology, in aiding human interaction with computers, designing smart systems etc.
1 code implementation • 1 Oct 2020 • Akshita Aggarwal, Anshul Wadhawan, Anshima Chaudhary, Kavita Maurya
With the increased use of social media platforms by people across the world, many new interesting NLP problems have come into existence.