Search Results for author: Al Mehdi Saadat Chowdhury

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Metal Price Spike Prediction via a Neurosymbolic Ensemble Approach

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Nathaniel Lee, Noel Ngu, Harshdeep Singh Sahdev, Pramod Motaganahall, Al Mehdi Saadat Chowdhury, Bowen Xi, Paulo Shakarian

Predicting price spikes in critical metals such as Cobalt, Copper, Magnesium, and Nickel is crucial for mitigating economic risks associated with global trends like the energy transition and reshoring of manufacturing.


On Stacked Denoising Autoencoder based Pre-training of ANN for Isolated Handwritten Bengali Numerals Dataset Recognition

no code implementations14 Dec 2018 Al Mehdi Saadat Chowdhury, M. Shahidur Rahman, Asia Khanom, Tamanna Islam Chowdhury, Afaz Uddin

This work attempts to find the most optimal parameter setting of a deep artificial neural network (ANN) for Bengali digit dataset by pre-training it using stacked denoising autoencoder (SDA).


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