Search Results for author: Alaa Youssef

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Foundation Models in Radiology: What, How, When, Why and Why Not

no code implementations27 Nov 2024 Magdalini Paschali, Zhihong Chen, Louis Blankemeier, Maya Varma, Alaa Youssef, Christian Bluethgen, Curtis Langlotz, Sergios Gatidis, Akshay Chaudhari

Given the potentially transformative impact that foundation models can have on the field of radiology, this review aims to establish a standardized terminology concerning foundation models, with a specific focus on the requirements of training data, model training paradigms, model capabilities, and evaluation strategies.

Standing on FURM ground -- A framework for evaluating Fair, Useful, and Reliable AI Models in healthcare systems

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Alison Callahan, Duncan McElfresh, Juan M. Banda, Gabrielle Bunney, Danton Char, Jonathan Chen, Conor K. Corbin, Debadutta Dash, Norman L. Downing, Sneha S. Jain, Nikesh Kotecha, Jonathan Masterson, Michelle M. Mello, Keith Morse, Srikar Nallan, Abby Pandya, Anurang Revri, Aditya Sharma, Christopher Sharp, Rahul Thapa, Michael Wornow, Alaa Youssef, Michael A. Pfeffer, Nigam H. Shah

Our novel contributions - usefulness estimates by simulation, financial projections to quantify sustainability, and a process to do ethical assessments - as well as their underlying methods and open source tools, are available for other healthcare systems to conduct actionable evaluations of candidate AI solutions.

RadFusion: Benchmarking Performance and Fairness for Multimodal Pulmonary Embolism Detection from CT and EHR

no code implementations23 Nov 2021 Yuyin Zhou, Shih-Cheng Huang, Jason Alan Fries, Alaa Youssef, Timothy J. Amrhein, Marcello Chang, Imon Banerjee, Daniel Rubin, Lei Xing, Nigam Shah, Matthew P. Lungren

Despite the routine use of electronic health record (EHR) data by radiologists to contextualize clinical history and inform image interpretation, the majority of deep learning architectures for medical imaging are unimodal, i. e., they only learn features from pixel-level information.

Benchmarking Computed Tomography (CT) +2

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