Search Results for author: Alan Godoy

Found 6 papers, 0 papers with code

Augmenting Customer Support with an NLP-based Receptionist

no code implementations3 Dec 2021 André Barbosa, Alan Godoy

In this paper, we show how a Portuguese BERT model can be combined with structured data in order to deploy a chatbot based on a finite state machine to create a conversational AI system that helps a real-estate company to predict its client's contact motivation.


Compressing Representations for Embedded Deep Learning

no code implementations23 Nov 2019 Juliano S. Assine, Alan Godoy, Eduardo Valle

Despite recent advances in architectures for mobile devices, deep learning computational requirements remains prohibitive for most embedded devices.

Deep Learning

Cross-Domain Face Verification: Matching ID Document and Self-Portrait Photographs

no code implementations17 Nov 2016 Guilherme Folego, Marcus A. Angeloni, José Augusto Stuchi, Alan Godoy, Anderson Rocha

Cross-domain biometrics has been emerging as a new necessity, which poses several additional challenges, including harsh illumination changes, noise, pose variation, among others.

Face Verification

Online Social Network Analysis: A Survey of Research Applications in Computer Science

no code implementations22 Apr 2015 David Burth Kurka, Alan Godoy, Fernando J. Von Zuben

The emergence and popularization of online social networks suddenly made available a large amount of data from social organization, interaction and human behavior.

Social and Information Networks Physics and Society

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