Search Results for author: Alban Farchi

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

Accurate deep learning-based filtering for chaotic dynamics by identifying instabilities without an ensemble

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Marc Bocquet, Alban Farchi, Tobias S. Finn, Charlotte Durand, Sibo Cheng, Yumeng Chen, Ivo Pasmans, Alberto Carrassi

The focus is on learning the analysis step of sequential DA, from state trajectories and their observations, using a simple residual convolutional neural network, while assuming the dynamics to be known.

Towards diffusion models for large-scale sea-ice modelling

no code implementations26 Jun 2024 Tobias Sebastian Finn, Charlotte Durand, Alban Farchi, Marc Bocquet, Julien Brajard

We make the first steps towards diffusion models for unconditional generation of multivariate and Arctic-wide sea-ice states.

Online model error correction with neural networks: application to the Integrated Forecasting System

no code implementations6 Mar 2024 Alban Farchi, Marcin Chrust, Marc Bocquet, Massimo Bonavita

In this article, we propose to develop a model error correction for the operational Integrated Forecasting System (IFS) of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts using a neural network.

Online model error correction with neural networks in the incremental 4D-Var framework

no code implementations25 Oct 2022 Alban Farchi, Marcin Chrust, Marc Bocquet, Patrick Laloyaux, Massimo Bonavita

Data assimilation is used to estimate the system state from the observations, while machine learning computes a surrogate model of the dynamical system based on those estimated states.

State, global and local parameter estimation using local ensemble Kalman filters: applications to online machine learning of chaotic dynamics

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Quentin Malartic, Alban Farchi, Marc Bocquet

It features both local domains and covariance localisation in order to learn the chaotic dynamics and the local forcings.

A comparison of combined data assimilation and machine learning methods for offline and online model error correction

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Alban Farchi, Marc Bocquet, Patrick Laloyaux, Massimo Bonavita, Quentin Malartic

We compare online and offline learning using the same framework with the two-scale Lorenz system, and show that with online learning, it is possible to extract all the information from sparse and noisy observations.

Using machine learning to correct model error in data assimilation and forecast applications

no code implementations23 Oct 2020 Alban Farchi, Patrick Laloyaux, Massimo Bonavita, Marc Bocquet

This yields a class of iterative methods in which, at each iteration a DA step assimilates the observations, and alternates with a ML step to learn the underlying dynamics of the DA analysis.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Online learning of both state and dynamics using ensemble Kalman filters

no code implementations6 Jun 2020 Marc Bocquet, Alban Farchi, Quentin Malartic

The reconstruction of the dynamics of an observed physical system as a surrogate model has been brought to the fore by recent advances in machine learning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Time Series +1

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