Search Results for author: Albert Weichselbraun

Found 12 papers, 6 papers with code

Unifying Economic and Language Models for Enhanced Sentiment Analysis of the Oil Market

no code implementations16 Oct 2024 Himmet Kaplan, Ralf-Peter Mundani, Heiko Rölke, Albert Weichselbraun, Martin Tschudy

Crude oil, a critical component of the global economy, has its prices influenced by various factors such as economic trends, political events, and natural disasters.

Sentiment Analysis

Slot Filling for Extracting Reskilling and Upskilling Options from the Web

1 code implementation11 Jul 2022 Albert Weichselbraun, Roger Waldvogel, Andreas Fraefel, Alexander van Schie, Philipp Kuntschik

Disturbances in the job market such as advances in science and technology, crisis and increased competition have triggered a surge in reskilling and upskilling programs.

Benchmarking Entity Linking +2

Inscriptis -- A Python-based HTML to text conversion library optimized for knowledge extraction from the Web

1 code implementation12 Jul 2021 Albert Weichselbraun

Inscriptis provides a library, command line client and Web service for converting HTML to plain text.

Harvest -- An Open Source Toolkit for Extracting Posts and Post Metadata from Web Forums

1 code implementation3 Feb 2021 Albert Weichselbraun, Adrian M. P. Brasoveanu, Roger Waldvogel, Fabian Odoni

Most of the current solutions are also built for the more general case of content extraction from web pages and lack key features important for understanding forum content such as the identification of author metadata and information on the thread structure.

Automatic Expansion of Domain-Specific Affective Models for Web Intelligence Applications

1 code implementation1 Feb 2021 Albert Weichselbraun, Jakob Steixner, Adrian M. P. Braşoveanu, Arno Scharl, Max Göbel, Lyndon J. B. Nixon

Sentic computing relies on well-defined affective models of different complexity - polarity to distinguish positive and negative sentiment, for example, or more nuanced models to capture expressions of human emotions.

Knowledge Graphs Marketing

In Media Res: A Corpus for Evaluating Named Entity Linking with Creative Works

1 code implementation CONLL 2020 Adrian M.P. Brasoveanu, Albert Weichselbraun, Lyndon Nixon

This corpus is used to evaluate a series of Named Entity Linking tools in order to understand the impact of the differences in annotation styles on the reported accuracy when processing highly ambiguous entities such as names of creative works.

Entity Linking

Improving Company Valuations with Automated Knowledge Discovery, Extraction and Fusion

no code implementations19 Oct 2020 Albert Weichselbraun, Philipp Kuntschik, Sandro Hörler

Performing company valuations within the domain of biotechnology, pharmacy and medical technology is a challenging task, especially when considering the unique set of risks biotech start-ups face when entering new markets.

Semantic Parsing

Improving Named Entity Linking Corpora Quality

no code implementations RANLP 2019 Albert Weichselbraun, Adrian M.P. Brasoveanu, Philipp Kuntschik, Lyndon J.B. Nixon

Gold standard corpora and competitive evaluations play a key role in benchmarking named entity linking (NEL) performance and driving the development of more sophisticated NEL systems.

Benchmarking Entity Linking

Leveraging the Wisdom of the Crowds for the Acquisition of Multilingual Language Resources

no code implementations LREC 2012 Arno Scharl, Marta Sabou, Stefan Gindl, Walter Rafelsberger, Albert Weichselbraun

We describe the goals and structure of the game, the underlying application framework, the sentiment lexicons gathered through crowdsourcing, as well as a novel approach to automatically extend the lexicons by means of a bootstrapping process.

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