Search Results for author: Albert Wong

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

An Iterative Approach to Topic Modelling

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Albert Wong, Florence Wing Yau Cheng, Ashley Keung, Yamileth Hercules, Mary Alexandra Garcia, Yew-Wei Lim, Lien Pham

Using the BERTopic package, a popular method in topic modelling, we demonstrate how the modelling process can be applied iteratively to arrive at a set of topics that could not be further improved upon using one of the three selected measures for clustering comparison as the decision criteria.

Gamers Private Network Performance Forecasting. From Raw Data to the Data Warehouse with Machine Learning and Neural Nets

no code implementations26 May 2021 Albert Wong, Chun Yin Chiu, Gaétan Hains, Jack Humphrey, Hans Fuhrmann, Youry Khmelevsky, Chris Mazur

Gamers Private Network (GPN) is a client/server technology that guarantees a connection for online video games that is more reliable and lower latency than a standard internet connection.

Monitoring stance towards vaccination in Twitter messages

no code implementations1 Sep 2019 Florian Kunneman, Mattijs Lambooij, Albert Wong, Antal Van den Bosch, Liesbeth Mollema

We developed a system to automatically classify stance towards vaccination in Twitter messages, with a focus on messages with a negative stance.

Sentiment Analysis

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