1 code implementation • COLING 2022 • Michael Hanna, Federico Pedeni, Alessandro Suglia, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
This paves the way for a systematic way of evaluating embodied AI agents that understand grounded actions.
1 code implementation • ACL (splurobonlp) 2021 • Tianai Dong, Alberto Testoni, Luciana Benotti, Raffaella Bernardi
We call the question that restricts the context: trigger, and we call the spatial question that requires the trigger question to be answered: zoomer.
no code implementations • EMNLP (SpLU) 2020 • Alberto Testoni, Claudio Greco, Tobias Bianchi, Mauricio Mazuecos, Agata Marcante, Luciana Benotti, Raffaella Bernardi
By analyzing LXMERT errors and its attention mechanisms, we find that our classification helps to gain a better understanding of the skills required to answer different spatial questions.
no code implementations • CLASP 2022 • Claudio Greco, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi, Stella Frank
Pre-trained Vision and Language Transformers achieve high performance on downstream tasks due to their ability to transfer representational knowledge accumulated during pretraining on substantial amounts of data.
1 code implementation • 26 Jun 2024 • Anna Bavaresco, Raffaella Bernardi, Leonardo Bertolazzi, Desmond Elliott, Raquel Fernández, Albert Gatt, Esam Ghaleb, Mario Giulianelli, Michael Hanna, Alexander Koller, André F. T. Martins, Philipp Mondorf, Vera Neplenbroek, Sandro Pezzelle, Barbara Plank, David Schlangen, Alessandro Suglia, Aditya K Surikuchi, Ece Takmaz, Alberto Testoni
There is an increasing trend towards evaluating NLP models with LLM-generated judgments instead of human judgments.
no code implementations • 25 Jun 2024 • Davide Mazzaccara, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
Questions are essential tools for acquiring the necessary information to complete information-seeking tasks.
1 code implementation • 11 Mar 2024 • Alberto Testoni, Juell Sprott, Sandro Pezzelle
While human speakers use a variety of different expressions when describing the same object in an image, giving rise to a distribution of plausible labels driven by pragmatic constraints, the extent to which current Vision & Language Large Language Models (VLLMs) can mimic this crucial feature of language use is an open question.
no code implementations • 9 Feb 2024 • Alberto Testoni, Raquel Fernández
Clarification questions are an essential dialogue tool to signal misunderstanding, ambiguities, and under-specification in language use.
no code implementations • 24 Oct 2022 • Amit Kumar Chaudhary, Alex J. Lucassen, Ioanna Tsani, Alberto Testoni
Decoding strategies play a crucial role in natural language generation systems.
1 code implementation • EMNLP 2021 • Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
Inspired by the cognitive literature on information search and cross-situational word learning, we design Confirm-it, a model based on a beam search re-ranking algorithm that guides an effective goal-oriented strategy by asking questions that confirm the model's conjecture about the referent.
no code implementations • ACL 2021 • Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
We also analyse where hallucinations tend to occur more often through the dialogue: hallucinations are less frequent in earlier turns, cause a cascade hallucination effect, and are often preceded by negative answers, which have been shown to be harder to ground.
no code implementations • 20 Mar 2021 • Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
Despite important progress, conversational systems often generate dialogues that sound unnatural to humans.
1 code implementation • EACL 2021 • Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi
When training a model on referential dialogue guessing games, the best model is usually chosen based on its task success.
no code implementations • WS 2020 • Mauricio Mazuecos, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi, Luciana Benotti
Task success is the standard metric used to evaluate these systems.
no code implementations • WS 2020 • Mauricio Mazuecos, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi, Luciana Benotti
Regarding our first metric, we find that successful dialogues do not have a higher percentage of effective questions for most models.
no code implementations • WS 2019 • Alberto Testoni, S Pezzelle, ro, Raffaella Bernardi
Inspired by the literature on multisensory integration, we develop a computational model to ground quantifiers in perception.
1 code implementation • COLING 2018 • Hoa Trong Vu, Claudio Greco, Aliia Erofeeva, Somayeh Jafaritazehjan, Guido Linders, Marc Tanti, Alberto Testoni, Raffaella Bernardi, Albert Gatt
Capturing semantic relations between sentences, such as entailment, is a long-standing challenge for computational semantics.
Ranked #2 on Natural Language Inference on V-SNLI