Search Results for author: Aldo Pareja

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

LAB: Large-Scale Alignment for ChatBots

no code implementations2 Mar 2024 Shivchander Sudalairaj, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Aldo Pareja, Kai Xu, David D. Cox, Akash Srivastava

This work introduces LAB (Large-scale Alignment for chatBots), a novel methodology designed to overcome the scalability challenges in the instruction-tuning phase of large language model (LLM) training.

Instruction Following Language Modelling +2

Curiosity-driven Red-teaming for Large Language Models

1 code implementation29 Feb 2024 Zhang-Wei Hong, Idan Shenfeld, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Yung-Sung Chuang, Aldo Pareja, James Glass, Akash Srivastava, Pulkit Agrawal

To probe when an LLM generates unwanted content, the current paradigm is to recruit a \textit{red team} of human testers to design input prompts (i. e., test cases) that elicit undesirable responses from LLMs.

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

EvolveGCN: Evolving Graph Convolutional Networks for Dynamic Graphs

9 code implementations26 Feb 2019 Aldo Pareja, Giacomo Domeniconi, Jie Chen, Tengfei Ma, Toyotaro Suzumura, Hiroki Kanezashi, Tim Kaler, Tao B. Schardl, Charles E. Leiserson

Existing approaches typically resort to node embeddings and use a recurrent neural network (RNN, broadly speaking) to regulate the embeddings and learn the temporal dynamics.

Dynamic Link Prediction Edge Classification +3

Scalable Graph Learning for Anti-Money Laundering: A First Look

2 code implementations30 Nov 2018 Mark Weber, Jie Chen, Toyotaro Suzumura, Aldo Pareja, Tengfei Ma, Hiroki Kanezashi, Tim Kaler, Charles E. Leiserson, Tao B. Schardl

Organized crime inflicts human suffering on a genocidal scale: the Mexican drug cartels have murdered 150, 000 people since 2006, upwards of 700, 000 people per year are "exported" in a human trafficking industry enslaving an estimated 40 million people.

Graph Learning

Logical Rule Induction and Theory Learning Using Neural Theorem Proving

no code implementations6 Sep 2018 Andres Campero, Aldo Pareja, Tim Klinger, Josh Tenenbaum, Sebastian Riedel

Our approach is neuro-symbolic in the sense that the rule pred- icates and core facts are given dense vector representations.

Automated Theorem Proving

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