Search Results for author: Alec Lu

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Quasar-ViT: Hardware-Oriented Quantization-Aware Architecture Search for Vision Transformers

no code implementations25 Jul 2024 Zhengang Li, Alec Lu, Yanyue Xie, Zhenglun Kong, Mengshu Sun, Hao Tang, Zhong Jia Xue, Peiyan Dong, Caiwen Ding, Yanzhi Wang, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang

This work proposes Quasar-ViT, a hardware-oriented quantization-aware architecture search framework for ViTs, to design efficient ViT models for hardware implementation while preserving the accuracy.


HeatViT: Hardware-Efficient Adaptive Token Pruning for Vision Transformers

no code implementations15 Nov 2022 Peiyan Dong, Mengshu Sun, Alec Lu, Yanyue Xie, Kenneth Liu, Zhenglun Kong, Xin Meng, Zhengang Li, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang, Yanzhi Wang

While vision transformers (ViTs) have continuously achieved new milestones in the field of computer vision, their sophisticated network architectures with high computation and memory costs have impeded their deployment on resource-limited edge devices.


Auto-ViT-Acc: An FPGA-Aware Automatic Acceleration Framework for Vision Transformer with Mixed-Scheme Quantization

no code implementations10 Aug 2022 Zhengang Li, Mengshu Sun, Alec Lu, Haoyu Ma, Geng Yuan, Yanyue Xie, Hao Tang, Yanyu Li, Miriam Leeser, Zhangyang Wang, Xue Lin, Zhenman Fang

Compared with state-of-the-art ViT quantization work (algorithmic approach only without hardware acceleration), our quantization achieves 0. 47% to 1. 36% higher Top-1 accuracy under the same bit-width.


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