Search Results for author: Alejandro Mottini

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

GraphStorm: all-in-one graph machine learning framework for industry applications

1 code implementation10 Jun 2024 Da Zheng, Xiang Song, Qi Zhu, Jian Zhang, Theodore Vasiloudis, Runjie Ma, Houyu Zhang, Zichen Wang, Soji Adeshina, Israt Nisa, Alejandro Mottini, Qingjun Cui, Huzefa Rangwala, Belinda Zeng, Christos Faloutsos, George Karypis

GraphStorm has the following desirable properties: (a) Easy to use: it can perform graph construction and model training and inference with just a single command; (b) Expert-friendly: GraphStorm contains many advanced GML modeling techniques to handle complex graph data and improve model performance; (c) Scalable: every component in GraphStorm can operate on graphs with billions of nodes and can scale model training and inference to different hardware without changing any code.

graph construction

Voicy: Zero-Shot Non-Parallel Voice Conversion in Noisy Reverberant Environments

1 code implementation16 Jun 2021 Alejandro Mottini, Jaime Lorenzo-Trueba, Sri Vishnu Kumar Karlapati, Thomas Drugman

Voice Conversion (VC) is a technique that aims to transform the non-linguistic information of a source utterance to change the perceived identity of the speaker.

Decoder Voice Conversion

What Do You Mean I'm Funny? Personalizing the Joke Skill of a Voice-Controlled Virtual Assistant

no code implementations6 Dec 2019 Alejandro Mottini, Amber Roy Chowdhury

Online results show that models trained on any of the considered labels outperform a heuristic method, presenting a positive real-world impact on user satisfaction.

Multi-Task Learning

Airline Passenger Name Record Generation using Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations17 Jul 2018 Alejandro Mottini, Alix Lheritier, Rodrigo Acuna-Agost

Results show that the generated data matches well with the real PNRs without memorizing them, and that it can be used to train models for real business applications.


Deep Choice Model Using Pointer Networks for Airline Itinerary Prediction

no code implementations15 Mar 2018 Alejandro Mottini, Rodrigo Acuna-Agost

Experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms the traditional MNL model on several metrics.

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