Search Results for author: Aless Raganato

Found 13 papers, 3 papers with code

A Systematic Study of Inner-Attention-Based Sentence Representations in Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

no code implementations CL 2020 Ra{\'u}l V{\'a}zquez, Aless Raganato, ro, Mathias Creutz, J{\"o}rg Tiedemann

In particular, we show that larger intermediate layers not only improve translation quality, especially for long sentences, but also push the accuracy of trainable classification tasks.

Machine Translation Sentence +2

An Evaluation Benchmark for Testing the Word Sense Disambiguation Capabilities of Machine Translation Systems

1 code implementation LREC 2020 Aless Raganato, ro, Yves Scherrer, J{\"o}rg Tiedemann

Lexical ambiguity is one of the many challenging linguistic phenomena involved in translation, i. e., translating an ambiguous word with its correct sense.

Machine Translation Translation +1

An Evaluation of Language-Agnostic Inner-Attention-Based Representations in Machine Translation

no code implementations WS 2019 Aless Raganato, ro, Ra{\'u}l V{\'a}zquez, Mathias Creutz, J{\"o}rg Tiedemann

In this paper, we explore a multilingual translation model with a cross-lingually shared layer that can be used as fixed-size sentence representation in different downstream tasks.

Machine Translation Sentence +1

An Analysis of Encoder Representations in Transformer-Based Machine Translation

no code implementations WS 2018 Aless Raganato, ro, J{\"o}rg Tiedemann

We assess the representations of the encoder by extracting dependency relations based on self-attention weights, we perform four probing tasks to study the amount of syntactic and semantic captured information and we also test attention in a transfer learning scenario.

Feature Engineering Machine Translation +2

The University of Helsinki submissions to the WMT18 news task

no code implementations WS 2018 Aless Raganato, ro, Yves Scherrer, Tommi Nieminen, Arvi Hurskainen, J{\"o}rg Tiedemann

This paper describes the University of Helsinki{'}s submissions to the WMT18 shared news translation task for English-Finnish and English-Estonian, in both directions.

Machine Translation Translation

Sew-Embed at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Language-Independent Concept Representations from a Semantically Enriched Wikipedia

1 code implementation SEMEVAL 2017 Claudio Delli Bovi, Aless Raganato, ro

This paper describes Sew-Embed, our language-independent approach to multilingual and cross-lingual semantic word similarity as part of the SemEval-2017 Task 2.

Semantic Textual Similarity Task 2 +1

EuroSense: Automatic Harvesting of Multilingual Sense Annotations from Parallel Text

no code implementations ACL 2017 Claudio Delli Bovi, Jose Camacho-Collados, Aless Raganato, ro, Roberto Navigli

Parallel corpora are widely used in a variety of Natural Language Processing tasks, from Machine Translation to cross-lingual Word Sense Disambiguation, where parallel sentences can be exploited to automatically generate high-quality sense annotations on a large scale.

Entity Linking Machine Translation +2

Semantic Indexing of Multilingual Corpora and its Application on the History Domain

no code implementations WS 2016 Aless Raganato, ro, Jose Camacho-Collados, Antonio Raganato, Yunseo Joung

The increasing amount of multilingual text collections available in different domains makes its automatic processing essential for the development of a given field.

Text Retrieval Translation

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