Search Results for author: Alex Fukunaga

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

Separate Generation and Evaluation for Parallel Greedy Best-First Search

no code implementations11 Aug 2024 Takumi Shimoda, Alex Fukunaga

Parallelization of Greedy Best First Search (GBFS) has been difficult because straightforward parallelization can result in search behavior which differs significantly from sequential GBFS, exploring states which would not be explored by sequential GBFS with any tie-breaking strategy.

On the Transit Obfuscation Problem

1 code implementation12 Feb 2024 Hideaki Takahashi, Alex Fukunaga

Concealing an intermediate point on a route or visible from a route is an important goal in some transportation and surveillance scenarios.

Plausibility-Based Heuristics for Latent Space Classical Planning

no code implementations20 Jun 2023 Yuta Takata, Alex Fukunaga

Recent work on LatPlan has shown that it is possible to learn models for domain-independent classical planners from unlabeled image data.


Learning Search-Space Specific Heuristics Using Neural Networks

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Yu Liu, Ryo Kuroiwa, Alex Fukunaga

We propose and evaluate a system which learns a neuralnetwork heuristic function for forward search-based, satisficing classical planning.


Classical Planning in Deep Latent Space

1 code implementation30 Jun 2021 Masataro Asai, Hiroshi Kajino, Alex Fukunaga, Christian Muise

Current domain-independent, classical planners require symbolic models of the problem domain and instance as input, resulting in a knowledge acquisition bottleneck.

Deep Learning Sokoban

TPAM: A Simulation-Based Model for Quantitatively Analyzing Parameter Adaptation Methods

no code implementations5 Oct 2020 Ryoji Tanabe, Alex Fukunaga

We propose a Target function-based PAM simulation (TPAM) framework for evaluating the tracking performance of PAMs.

Reviewing and Benchmarking Parameter Control Methods in Differential Evolution

no code implementations2 Oct 2020 Ryoji Tanabe, Alex Fukunaga

We also investigate how much room there is for further improvement of PCMs by comparing the 24 methods with an oracle-based model, which can be considered to be a conservative lower bound on the performance of an optimal method.


How Far Are We From an Optimal, Adaptive DE?

no code implementations2 Oct 2020 Ryoji Tanabe, Alex Fukunaga

We consider how an (almost) optimal parameter adaptation process for an adaptive DE might behave, and compare the behavior and performance of this approximately optimal process to that of existing, adaptive mechanisms for DE.

Evolutionary Algorithms

A Survey of Parallel A*

1 code implementation16 Aug 2017 Alex Fukunaga, Adi Botea, Yuu Jinnai, Akihiro Kishimoto

A* is a best-first search algorithm for finding optimal-cost paths in graphs.


On Hash-Based Work Distribution Methods for Parallel Best-First Search

no code implementations10 Jun 2017 Yuu Jinnai, Alex Fukunaga

We show that Abstract Zobrist hashing outperforms previous methods on search domains using hand-coded, domain specific feature projection functions.

graph partitioning

Block-Parallel IDA* for GPUs (Extended Manuscript)

no code implementations8 May 2017 Satoru Horie, Alex Fukunaga

We investigate GPU-based parallelization of Iterative-Deepening A* (IDA*).

Classical Planning in Deep Latent Space: Bridging the Subsymbolic-Symbolic Boundary

1 code implementation29 Apr 2017 Masataro Asai, Alex Fukunaga

Meanwhile, although deep learning has achieved significant success in many fields, the knowledge is encoded in a subsymbolic representation which is incompatible with symbolic systems such as planners.

Axioms in Model-based Planners

no code implementations11 Mar 2017 Shuwa Miura, Alex Fukunaga

Axioms can be used to model derived predicates in domain- independent planning models.

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