Search Results for author: Alex Golts

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

MAMMAL -- Molecular Aligned Multi-Modal Architecture and Language

1 code implementation28 Oct 2024 Yoel Shoshan, Moshiko Raboh, Michal Ozery-Flato, Vadim Ratner, Alex Golts, Jeffrey K. Weber, Ella Barkan, Simona Rabinovici-Cohen, Sagi Polaczek, Ido Amos, Ben Shapira, Liam Hazan, Matan Ninio, Sivan Ravid, Michael M. Danziger, Joseph A. Morrone, Parthasarathy Suryanarayanan, Michal Rosen-Zvi, Efrat Hexter

Drug discovery typically consists of multiple steps, including identifying a target protein key to a disease's etiology, validating that interacting with this target could prevent symptoms or cure the disease, discovering a small molecule or biologic therapeutic to interact with it, and optimizing the candidate molecule through a complex landscape of required properties.

Drug Discovery Property Prediction

A large dataset curation and benchmark for drug target interaction

no code implementations30 Jan 2024 Alex Golts, Vadim Ratner, Yoel Shoshan, Moshe Raboh, Sagi Polaczek, Michal Ozery-Flato, Daniel Shats, Liam Hazan, Sivan Ravid, Efrat Hexter

In this paper we propose a way to standardize and represent efficiently a very large dataset curated from multiple public sources, split the data into train, validation and test sets based on different meaningful strategies, and provide a concrete evaluation protocol to accomplish a benchmark.

Drug Discovery

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