Search Results for author: Alex Hanna

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Much Ado About Gender: Current Practices and Future Recommendations for Appropriate Gender-Aware Information Access

no code implementations12 Jan 2023 Christine Pinney, Amifa Raj, Alex Hanna, Michael D. Ekstrand

Information access research (and development) sometimes makes use of gender, whether to report on the demographics of participants in a user study, as inputs to personalized results or recommendations, or to make systems gender-fair, amongst other purposes.

Fairness Information Retrieval +2

Reduced, Reused and Recycled: The Life of a Dataset in Machine Learning Research

no code implementations3 Dec 2021 Bernard Koch, Emily Denton, Alex Hanna, Jacob G. Foster

Despite the foundational role of benchmarking practices in this field, relatively little attention has been paid to the dynamics of benchmark dataset use and reuse, within or across machine learning subcommunities.

Benchmarking BIG-bench Machine Learning +1

AI and the Everything in the Whole Wide World Benchmark

no code implementations26 Nov 2021 Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Emily M. Bender, Amandalynne Paullada, Emily Denton, Alex Hanna

There is a tendency across different subfields in AI to valorize a small collection of influential benchmarks.


Do Datasets Have Politics? Disciplinary Values in Computer Vision Dataset Development

no code implementations9 Aug 2021 Morgan Klaus Scheuerman, Emily Denton, Alex Hanna

Specifically, we examine what dataset documentation communicates about the underlying values of vision data and the larger practices and goals of computer vision as a field.

Autonomous Vehicles BIG-bench Machine Learning +2

Diversity and Inclusion Metrics in Subset Selection

no code implementations9 Feb 2020 Margaret Mitchell, Dylan Baker, Nyalleng Moorosi, Emily Denton, Ben Hutchinson, Alex Hanna, Timnit Gebru, Jamie Morgenstern

The ethical concept of fairness has recently been applied in machine learning (ML) settings to describe a wide range of constraints and objectives.

Diversity Fairness

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