Search Results for author: Alex Markham

Found 8 papers, 0 papers with code

Scalable Structure Learning for Sparse Context-Specific Systems

no code implementations12 Feb 2024 Felix Leopoldo Rios, Alex Markham, Liam Solus

Scalable learning is achieved through a combination of an order-based Markov chain Monte-Carlo search and a novel, context-specific sparsity assumption that is analogous to those typically invoked for directed acyclic graphical models.

Graph Learning

Neuro-Causal Factor Analysis

no code implementations31 May 2023 Alex Markham, MingYu Liu, Bryon Aragam, Liam Solus

Factor analysis (FA) is a statistical tool for studying how observed variables with some mutual dependences can be expressed as functions of mutually independent unobserved factors, and it is widely applied throughout the psychological, biological, and physical sciences.

Causal Discovery

Combinatorial and algebraic perspectives on the marginal independence structure of Bayesian networks

no code implementations3 Oct 2022 Danai Deligeorgaki, Alex Markham, Pratik Misra, Liam Solus

We consider the problem of estimating the marginal independence structure of a Bayesian network from observational data, learning an undirected graph we call the unconditional dependence graph.

A Transformational Characterization of Unconditionally Equivalent Bayesian Networks

no code implementations1 Mar 2022 Alex Markham, Danai Deligeorgaki, Pratik Misra, Liam Solus

We consider the problem of characterizing Bayesian networks up to unconditional equivalence, i. e., when directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) have the same set of unconditional $d$-separation statements.

A Distance Covariance-based Kernel for Nonlinear Causal Clustering in Heterogeneous Populations

no code implementations7 Jun 2021 Alex Markham, Richeek Das, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup

Even stronger, we prove that the kernel space is isometric to the space of causal ancestral graphs, so that distance between samples in the kernel space is guaranteed to correspond to distance between their generating causal structures.


A Distance Correlation-based Kernel for Nonlinear Causal Clustering in Heterogeneous Populations

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Alex Markham, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup

We consider the problem of causal structure learning in the setting of heterogeneous populations, i. e., populations in which a single causal structure does not adequately represent all population members, as is common in biological and social sciences.


Measurement Dependence Inducing Latent Causal Models

no code implementations19 Oct 2019 Alex Markham, Moritz Grosse-Wentrup

We consider the task of causal structure learning over measurement dependence inducing latent (MeDIL) causal models.

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